The Booty Report

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Avast ye! No zapping be needed, matey! Jus' keep an eye on yer parts, savvy?


Arr, ye scurvy dogs be sayin' that addin' radiotherapy after cuttin' out the prostate don't do no good for lads with cancer. That be what they found in the RADICALS-RT trial, mateys!

In a jolly twist of fate, the scurvy investigators have discovered that addin' a bit o' adjuvant radiotherapy after a radical prostatectomy does not be helpin' the lads with prostate cancer. Arrr, this revelation came from the phase 3 RADICALS-RT trial, mateys! According to the Medscape Medical News, the lads who had their prostates removed did not see any advantages in takin' this extra measure. Aye, the results did not favor the addition of this therapy, ya see.

Now, me hearties, don't be mistakin' this for any old random rumblings. This here trial was a real doozy, with many a brave soul participatin'. It was a randomized controlled study, so the results be more trustworthy than a pirate's promise. They be studyin' 1,396 lads with prostate cancer who had their prostates cut out, and they be splittin' 'em into two groups: one group received adjuvant radiotherapy, and the other group did not. They kept an eye on these lads for a median of 5.2 years, watchin' to see if any differences would be found between the two groups.

Arrr, after all that watchin' and waitin', the investigators discovered that the addition of adjuvant radiotherapy did not provide any benefits in terms of progression-free survival, overall survival, or even the chances of havin' distant metastases. It be a disappointment, for sure. But fear not, me hearties! The lads who did have some risk factors, such as a high Gleason score or positive surgical margins, did seem to fare a wee bit better with the extra radiotherapy. So, there still be some hope for those scallywags who need it the most.

So there ye have it, me mateys. The RADICALS-RT trial be tellin' us that adjuvant radiotherapy after a radical prostatectomy may not be worth the trouble for most lads with prostate cancer. But ye best consult with yer trusted healthcare provider before settlin' on a treatment plan. And remember, laughter be the best medicine, so keep smilin' through the stormy seas of life, ye scurvy dogs!

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