The Booty Report

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Arrr, be it a wise choice to have a wee peek inside yer blood vessels afore plunderin' 'em? Aye, says I!


Arr, ye scurvy dogs be sayin' that imagin' catheters ought to be part of most coronary stent procedures and mayhaps all complex cases! Aye, these advocates be claimin' that several new studies back up their claims. Avast, keep yer eyes peeled for more from Medscape Medical News!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, allow me to regale ye with some news, mateys! 'Tis being said by those who fancy themselves as experts, that using imaging catheters during coronary stent procedures be an absolute must! And not just for any ol' cases, but especially for those that be complex, savvy?

Ahoy, me hearties! A bunch of recent studies be supportin' this notion, strengthenin' their case like a sturdy ship in a storm! As reported by Medscape Medical News, these advocates be sayin' that imagin' catheters be needin' to be used in most coronary stent procedures, and probably even for all those complex cases that give ye a headache worse than a pegleg.

Now, ye may be wonderin' why these fancy catheters be so important, eh? Well, me mateys, they be helpin' the lads and lasses in the medical world see what be goin' on inside yer precious heart. Ye see, with these clever gadgets, they can take a look at the ol' ticker while they be fixin' it up with those shiny stents. It be like havin' a spyglass to spot any trouble lurkin' in the shadows!

Arrr, so what be the takeaway from all this, ye may ask? Well, if ye find yeself in need of a coronary stent procedure, or if ye be facin' a complex case that be givin' ye the heebie-jeebies, make sure to speak to yer medical crew about usin' these imagin' catheters. They be the key to navigatin' the treacherous waters of yer heart, me mateys! So, set sail and let these studies be yer guiding star!

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