The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! Be ye tellin' me that carryin' too much booty as a youngin' affects me health later on?


Arr matey! The belief o' yer own heaviness as a wee lad may affect yer chances o' kickin' th' bucket or gettin' a bum ticker later in life if ye be a bit on th' flabby side. Yarr, them scallywags at Medscape Medical News be warnin' us!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags! It be said by them doctors that how ye see yerself as a wee lad may be affectin' yer chances of survivin' and avoidin' heart troubles as ye grow older. Aye, it be a serious matter, this self-perceived weight!
So, if ye thought ye were a bit on the heavy side as a young buccaneer, it might be time to be takin' extra care of yerself now that ye be a full-grown pirate. The risk of shufflin' off this mortal coil too soon or findin' yerself in Davy Jones' locker due to heart disease be higher for them who be overweight or obese.
So, me hearties, heed this warnin' and be keepin' a weather eye on yer health. Eat yer fruits and veggies, and be gettin' plenty of exercise to keep yer heart pumpin' strong. And remember, it be not just about how much treasure ye be carryin', but how ye see yerself that matters in the end. Take care of yerself, me hearties, and may ye sail the seas for many a year to come!

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