The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! Is it safe t' fix me pearly whites after the cannonball blast o’ radiation, savvy?


Arrr, matey! When them teeth be yanked after a dose o' the glowing rays, yer jawbone might be riskin' a nasty fate! Aye, 'tis a perilous venture for scallywags with head and neck troubles! Best keep yer chompers safe, lest ye end up in Davy Jones’ locker!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the perilous plight o' landlubbers who’ve danced too close to the fiery breath of radiation! Yarr, when brave souls with head and neck cancer face the dreaded dental extraction after bein' blasted with them beams, they be walkin' a treacherous plank indeed!

Ye see, mateys, when them toothy terrors be pulled, the exposed bone be riskin' a fate worse than Davy Jones’ locker—aye, I speak of osteoradionecrosis! Aye, it be a mouthful fit to make even the toughest of pirates shudder! That be when the bones in yer jaw start to rot like a forgotten shipwreck in a murky cove. Nasty business, that be! So ye best be warnin' yer fellow swashbucklers, lest they find themselves in a right pickle with their molars.

So, remember, ye brave buccaneers: if ye be strugglin' with cancer and the cruel hand of radiation, think twice ‘fore ye let a sawbones pry out yer pearly whites! It be a high seas adventure fraught with danger, so keep yer wits about ye and maybe stick to rum instead of dental plans! Arrr!

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