The Booty Report

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Ye lasses be gettin' with child too soon be riskin' a premature meetin' with Davy Jones! Aye, beware!


Arrr mateys, in a grand study of the landlubbers, it be found that lassies who carried a wee one before their sweet sixteenth be more likely to meet Davy Jones early. Aye, a cautionary tale for all ye young maidens!

Ye lasses be gettin' with child too soon be riskin' a premature meetin' with Davy Jones! Aye, beware!

Arrr, mateys! Listen up ye scallywags! There be a study that says those young lasses who be gettin' pregnant before they be 16 years old have the highest chances of meetin' Davy Jones at an early age. Aye, ye heard me right! Those young buccaneers be at a higher risk of shufflin' off this mortal coil too soon.
So, me hearties, if ye be thinkin' about settlin' down and startin' a family at a tender age, ye best be thinkin' twice. It be a dangerous game, that bein' a parent before ye be ready. Take heed of this warnin' from the wise old sea dogs who be conductin' this study. Premature death be waitin' for them young mothers who be sailin' uncharted waters.
So, me buckos, keep this in mind as ye navigate the treacherous seas of youth. Take care of yerselves and make smart choices, lest ye find yerself in the depths of Davey Jones' locker sooner than ye planned. Arrr!

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