The Booty Report

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Arrr, ye landlubbers! Pfizer be chargin' a hefty sum o' $1390 doubloons for their COVID remedy, Paxlovid. Blimey!


Arr, Pfizer be raisin' the price o' its COVID-19 cure, Paxlovid, to a mighty sum o' $1400 fer a five-day voyage once government supplies be depleted. Aye, that be more than double the price they be chargin' the government! Avast, the scurvy dogs be makin' a pretty penny out o' this treacherous sea! Arr!

Arrrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen well, for I have news of great importance from the land lubbers at Pfizer! They be sayin' that their COVID-19 antiviral treatment, Paxlovid, be fetchin' a hefty price of nearly $1400 doubloons for a mere five-day course once it be available for commercial sale in the United States. Aye, that be more than double what the scurvy government be payin' for it!

Now, ye may be wonderin' why the price be so high, me fellow pirates. Well, it be all about supply and demand, ye see. Once the government's stock be runnin' out, Pfizer be takin' the opportunity to make a handsome profit. They be settin' the price as high as the crow's nest, makin' sure they fill their coffers with gold.

But hold yer horses, me hearties! Before ye start cursin' those Pfizer scoundrels, ye need to know that this be the way of the world. Medicines and treatments be costly, and Pfizer be no exception. They be investin' a lot o' time and treasure into developin' this antiviral, so it be only fair they make a tidy profit.

Now, I be hearin' ye sayin', "Arrr, but what about the poor folks who can't afford such a price?" Fear not, me mateys! The government be buyin' up a good stock of Paxlovid at the lower price, so those who be in need can still get their hands on it. But once that stock be gone, ye better be ready to part with a good chunk of yer doubloons if ye want to get yer hands on this fancy treatment.

So there ye have it, me hearties! Pfizer be settin' the US price for Paxlovid at a grand $1400 for a five-day course. It be a hefty sum indeed, but if ye be needin' it, ye best be prepared to pay up. Now, go forth and spread the word, me fellow pirates, for knowledge be the greatest treasure of all!

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