The Booty Report

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"Arr matey, will this assisted dying in Europe be affecting how we live with dignity? Yo ho ho!"


Arrr, me hearties! According to them fancy psychiatrists at EPA 2024, it be all about the legal constraints. But shiver me timbers, I reckon they be talkin' more gibberish than a parrot with a peg leg! Aye, pass me the grog and let's set sail for clearer waters!

Arrr matey, ye best be listenin' to the words of them fancy psychiatrists at EPA 2024, for they be sayin' that the legal constraints be playin' a role in the treatment of scurvy dogs like us. Aye, they be talkin' about how the laws of the land be affectin' the way we be gettin' our medicine, arrr.
So ye see, it be important to be knowin' the rules and regulations when it comes to pillagin' and plunderin' for our mental health. If we don't follow the laws, we might end up walkin' the plank or worse, havin' our rum confiscated, arrr!
But fear not me hearties, for the wise psychiatrists be helpin' us navigate these treacherous waters. They be keepin' a weather eye on the legal constraints and makin' sure we be gettin' the treatment we need. So let's raise a toast to the psychiatrists at EPA 2024, for keepin' us on the right course in this sea of madness, arrr!

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