The Booty Report

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Ye scurvy dogs! Beware the frigid trap o' mighty polyps, less ye be plagued by more mischief later.


Arr, me hearties! Thar be a tale o' the sea! Ye see, this fancy new method called "Cold Snare Endoscopic Mucosal Resection" be safer than the scorchin' "Hot Snare" fer them massive, non-pedunculated colorectal polyps. But beware, the stubborn critters be more likely to return! The secret be choosin' the right lesion, say them fancy experts. Yo ho ho!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, mateys, we be talkin' 'bout a scurvy medical study. Arr, the study claims that cold snare endoscopic mucosal resection be safer than hot snare for them large, non-pedunculated colorectal polyps. But, ye sea dogs, there be a catch! The recurrence o' them polyps be higher with the cold snare method. Aye, the experts be sayin' that the key to choosin' a procedure be the selection o' the lesion.

Arr, me hearties! This news be comin' from Medscape Medical News, a fine source for pirate medical knowledge. They be claimin' that the cold snare method be safer, less blazin', ye see. But, alas, the polyps be comin' back more often with this method. So, the experts be advisin' to choose wisely, me lads and lasses!

Arr, ye may be wonderin' what in the seven seas is a cold snare endoscopic mucosal resection? Well, me buckos, it be a procedure to remove them polyps from the colorectal region. Instead o' usin' a hot snare to burn the polyps, they use a cold snare. It be safer, they say, but those pesky polyps be returnin' more often. Aye, me hearties, it be a dilemma indeed!

So, me scallywags, the lesson we be learnin' today be that when it comes to removin' them polyps, ye be needin' to choose wisely. The lesion ye be dealin' with be determinin' the procedure ye be goin' for. Aye, the cold snare be safer, but the recurrence be higher. Now ye know, me mateys!

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