The Booty Report

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Arr, be warned, ye mateys! The risk o' bleedin' clarified for them scurvy stroke patients takin' tPA. Aye!


Arr matey! The scurvy dogs be sayin' that takin' them antiplatelet therapies be makin' yer noggin' bleed more if ye be havin' a stroke and gettin' some o' that thrombolysis. But fear not me hearties, the risk be small as a wee plankton in the vast ocean! Aye, Medscape be tellin' us this tale!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs! The latest news be tellin' us that them antiplatelet therapies be makin' things a bit risky for them patients with stroke who be gettin' thrombolysis. Aye, they be increasin' the chance of intracranial hemorrhage, but fear not, me buckos, for the risk be small indeed.
So, what be the word on the street, ye ask? Well, according to Medscape Medical News, these therapies may be causin' a tad bit o' trouble for some poor souls, but 'tis nothin' to be too concerned about. Just a wee bit of caution be in order, me hearties.
So next time ye be thinkin' about takin' them antiplatelet therapies, just keep in mind that there be a slight risk involved. But fear not, me mateys, for with a bit o' knowledge and some good old-fashioned pirate sense, ye can navigate them treacherous waters just fine. Arrr!

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