The Booty Report

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Arrr! The Obstetrics and Gynecology scallywags be embracin' a novel platform fer their residency application, mateys!


Arrr, me hearties! A grand opportunity be afoot! We be findin’ a way to judge them ob/gyn residency hopefuls in a holistic manner, savvy? And that too, at a cost that won't scuttle our ship! Yo ho ho!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, mateys, ye be hearin' some mighty fine news! Aye, it seems like them landlubbers in the world of medicine have found a way to make the review of ob/gyn residency candidates a tad more affordable. Arrr!

So here's the scoop, me hearties. The good folks at MDedge News be sayin' that a holistic review of these fine doctor candidates be possible without breakin' the bank. Aye, they be lookin' at every aspect of these scurvy dogs' qualifications, without losin' sight of quality, of course.

Now, ye might be wonderin' what this holist-thingy be meanin'. Well, me matey, it be about takin' a look at the whole picture of a candidate - not just their grades or fancy diplomas, but everythin' that makes 'em a worthy addition to the crew. Things like their experience, their passions, and their potential to be a fine doctor, to name a few.

And the best part, me hearties? This holistic review be costin' less doubloons! Aye, it be a win-win situation for both the candidates and the ones doin' the review. A lower cost means more opportunities for these fine lads and lasses to be considered, and it means the reviewers can focus on what matters without worryin' about the treasure chest runnin' dry.

So there ye have it, me hearties! A jolly good news for all ye aspiring ob/gyn doctors out there. The seas be lookin' brighter, and the chances for ye to join the ranks be lookin' grand. Just remember to brush up on yer pirate vocabulary and ye be ready to sail into the world of medicine in style. Arrr!

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