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Avast ye! As the stormy seas of Lilly Rivalry brew, the cunning Novo CEO charts the course for the grand launch of Wegovy!


Arrr, me hearties! Novo Nordisk be settin' its sights on launchin' the beloved obesity shot, Wegovy, in them markets where it be already makin' a pretty penny with its older weight-loss potion, Saxenda. Captain Lars Fruergaard be leadin' the charge, mark me words!

In a jolly pirate language fit for the 17th century, the esteemed Novo Nordisk be settin' its sights on launchin' its popular obesity shot, Wegovy, in markets where it already be makin' a mighty profit from its older weight-loss potion, Saxenda. The cap'n of this fine vessel, CEO Lars Fruergaard, made this announcement, catchin' the attention of all those eagerly awaitin' a solution to their bloated bellies.

Arr! Novo Nordisk be a clever bunch, recognizin' the potential in expandin' their dominion over the weight-loss market. Saxenda be already bringin' in a tidy sum, so why not add another weapon to their arsenal? Wegovy be the shiny new cannonball that promises to blast away those extra pounds, and Novo Nordisk wants to make sure it be fired in the right direction.

The CEO be a shrewd sailor, aimin' to launch Wegovy in markets where Saxenda be already a hit. This be a strategic move, as it takes advantage of the trust and familiarity these markets have with Novo Nordisk's weight-loss products. The crew be cheerin', for they see the potential for even greater plunder.

With Wegovy, Novo Nordisk be raisin' the anchor on a high-seas adventure to tackle the worldwide obesity epidemic. This pirate's potion be a once-a-week injection that helps people shed those unwanted pounds, settin' them on a path to a healthier life. It be a game-changer, and Novo Nordisk be lookin' to make waves in the weight-loss market with its new creation.

So, me hearties, keep an eye on the horizon for the arrival of Wegovy in markets near ye. Novo Nordisk be steppin' up their game, hopin' to conquer the seas of obesity with their trusty crew of weight-loss remedies. It be a voyage filled with promise and plenty of laughs, as the crew embraces their inner pirates to tackle a serious issue in the most humourous of ways. Yo ho, yo ho, a weight-loss life for me!

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