The Booty Report

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"Arrr, me hearties! Aye, an ancient potion be savin' our creaky knees from the clutches of torment!"


Arrr, matey! It be said that mixin' some oral methotrexate with yer usual painkillers be smoothin' out yer aches and creaks, makin' ye feel spry like a nimble sea jack! Aye, 'tis the word from Medscape News UK! Avast, no more walkin' like a barnacle-covered bilge rat!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about a wondrous treasure found in the realm of healing! It be said that when ye mix the mighty potion known as oral methotrexate with the usual tonics for pain—aye, the analgesia—the results be naught but miraculous! Yarrr!

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