The Booty Report

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Yarrrr! Late-stage CRC be on the rise, be sure to get screened from 45 to avoid Davy Jones' locker!


Avast ye scallywags! The number of land lubbers plagued with the dreaded colorectal cancer be on the rise in those aged 46-49, says a study of the cursed disease. Aye, it be time to plunder some healthy habits to keep yer bowels shipshape, mateys! Arrr!

In a jolly old tale of the seven seas, it be told that the cases of far-off and near-stage colorectal cancer be on the rise among the landlubbers aged 46-49 years. A study done by the wise ones at MDedge News did uncover this troubling trend amongst the scallywags of the modern world.
Arrr, the young buccaneers be findin' themselves in a perilous situation, with the dreaded CRC sneakin' up on 'em when they least expect it. Aye, 'tis a tragic sight to see these brave souls sufferin' from such a foul disease at a tender age.
Let this be a lesson to ye all, me hearties! Take heed of yer health and make sure to be checkin' yerselves regularly for any signs of trouble in the ol' poop deck. 'Tis better to catch the scurvy early on than to let it fester and grow into a beastly monster.
So hoist the sails, me mateys, and steer clear of the treacherous waters of colorectal cancer. May ye all live long and prosperous lives, free from the clutches of this dreadful affliction. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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