The Booty Report

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Ye olde tale be told: Breaketh thy hip now, forget thy name later. Beware, me hearties!


Arrr, me hearties! The knowledge o' whether a broken hip be leadin' to a foggy mind could be crucial for them swashbucklin' healers. It be helpin' 'em chart a course for keepin' ye noggin sharp and yer body sailin' smooth. Aye, 'tis true, mateys!

Ye olde tale be told: Breaketh thy hip now, forget thy name later. Beware, me hearties!

Arr matey! Listen up ye scallywags and landlubbers alike! Me hearties be sayin' that if ye be sustainin' a hip fracture, it could lead to a decline in yer noggin' functions! Aye, 'tis true, me mateys! So listen up and pay heed, for this be important information for all ye seafarin' souls!

Now, ye might be wonderin', "How can a broken hip affect me brain?" Well, me hearties, 'tis all about the connections in yer body. If ye be strugglin' to move about and do yer daily tasks after a hip fracture, yer brain might not be gettin' the exercise it needs! So be sure to listen to yer doctors and do yer rehabilitation exercises, or ye might find yerself in a bit of a pickle!

So there ye have it, me mateys! Take care of yer bones and yer brain, and ye'll be sailin' smooth waters ahead. And remember, a healthy pirate be a happy pirate! Arrr!

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