The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr matey! Exercisin' be boostin' yer grip after a scurvy spine mishap. Yo-ho-ho!


Arrr mateys, 'tis said that a device of external spinal stimulation be makin' 72% of scallywags with a spinal cord injury gain strength and function in their upper limbs. Aye, it be a fine bit o' news from Medscape Medical News indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, for I bring ye news from the healers of the modern world. A wondrous contraption known as an external spinal stimulation device has been found to be mighty effective in improving the strength and function of the upper extremities in 72% of patients with a spinal cord injury. Aye, 'tis true, as reported by the wise scribes at Medscape Medical News.

Imagine the possibilities, me mateys! No longer shall ye be held back by a lack of strength in yer arms and hands. With this magical device, ye can regain some of the control and power that ye once thought lost forever. 'Tis a miracle of modern science, I tell ye!

So fear not, me hearties, if ye find yerself in a similar predicament. There be hope on the horizon, thanks to the clever minds and skilled hands of the healers. Raise a toast to this wondrous discovery, and may it bring joy and renewed strength to all who need it. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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