The Booty Report

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Arrr, the EMA be givin' the nod for treatin' scurvy skin and other cursed ailments! Avast, mateys!


Arrr mateys! The biosimilar Pyzchiva be akin to Stelara, blessed by the EU in 2009. Aye, they be like two peas in a pod, sailin' the high seas of medical approval together. Shiver me timbers, what a medical marvel!

Arrr matey! Listen up ye scallywags, fer I have news of a newfangled potion called Pyzchiva! This here biosimilar be as similar to Stelara as a pirate be to his trusty parrot. Stelara, mind ye, was given the stamp of approval by the EU back in 2009. Aye, that be a long time ago in pirate years!
Now, what be a biosimilar, ye ask? Well, it be like a knock-off treasure map that leads ye to the same hidden booty. Pyzchiva be just as effective as Stelara, me hearties, so ye can trust it to treat yer scurvy just as well.
So, if ye be sufferin' from the plague of psoriasis or some other vile affliction, fear not! Pyzchiva be here to save the day. Just remember to consult with yer ship's doctor before ye start takin' this new potion. We pirates may be tough as nails, but even we need some medical guidance from time to time.
So there ye have it, me fellow buccaneers. Pyzchiva be the new Stelara, and it be approved by them fancy EU folks. Let's raise a tankard of grog to this new potion and may it help us all on our journey to good health!

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