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Arr, ye scurvy dogs! A mighty Phase 2b study be showin' that an oral IL-23 blocker be promisin' for psoriasis!


Arr matey! A new-fangled scallywag medicine be showin' great promise in treatin' the cursed scurvy known as psoriasis. This IL-23R antagonist be provin' its worth, leavin' no room for doubloons, as it outshines the worthless placebo in a study called FRONTIER 1. Blimey! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

In a delightful twist of fate, it seems that a new weapon has been discovered in the battle against the dreaded psoriasis. In a study fit for a swashbuckling tale, an investigational IL-23R antagonist has shown tremendous promise in treating this vexing skin condition.

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen well, for I have news that will surely lift your spirits. This fantastical study, known as FRONTIER 1, found that this newfangled antagonist was far more effective than a mere placebo in patients with moderate to severe psoriasis. Arr, what a glorious victory!

Now, me fellow pirates, let me regale you with the details. The study included a motley crew of patients, all grappling with the woes of psoriasis. These brave souls were assigned to different doses of the antagonist or the sneaky placebo. After 16 weeks of battling their condition, a clear winner emerged - the antagonist, with its mighty IL-23R powers, proved to be a formidable adversary for the scurvy psoriasis.

Ah, but let us not forget the true measure of success - efficacy. The antagonist showed its mettle across all doses, leaving the placebo in its wake. The patients experienced a vast improvement in their psoriasis, bringing them closer to the smooth and unblemished skin they so coveted. Surely, this is a tale worth sharing over a tankard of grog!

So, me hearties, as we sail the treacherous seas of medicine, let us celebrate this victory. The investigational IL-23R antagonist has shown great promise in the battle against moderate to severe psoriasis. In the language of our brethren from the medical realm, this news comes to us from the esteemed Medscape Medical News. Raise a toast to science, my fellow pirates, for we may soon conquer this affliction once and for all!

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