The Booty Report

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Arrr, what be the reasons for another bout o' the dreaded stroke after ye be afflicted with Chagas Disease?


Arrr mateys, tis been discovered that those afflicted with Chagas disease be havin' a high number of heart risk factors. Aye, even on the high seas, a pirate's heart be at risk if he's not careful with his health. Aye, shiver me timbers!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! Thar be news from the land lubbers about them heart risks among them patients with the dreaded Chagas disease. Aye, a recent study has discovered that these scurvy dogs be havin' more cardiovascular troubles than a ship full of bilge rats!
According to the Medscape Medical News, it be a matter of serious concern for them doctors and scholars. They be sayin' that it be important for these poor souls to keep a weather eye on their heart health, lest they end up in Davy Jones' locker.
So, me hearties, if ye be knowin' someone with this foul disease, be sure to keep a sharp lookout for any signs of heart trouble. Make 'em walk the plank to the doctor's office if need be! And remember, even pirates need to take care of their hearts, lest they end up feedin' the fishes!

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