The Booty Report

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"Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Beware, the pox known as Le Lymphedema be bringin' ye a greater risk o' skin cancer!"


Arr! In this lookin' back study, patients with scurvy legs be at a near twofold greater danger for skin scurvy compared to matchin' controls. <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, me mateys! Gather 'round and lend an ear to this bit o' news from the Medscape Medical News! It seems that in a recent study, those with lower extremity lymphedema be facin' a mighty risk fer developin' skin cancer, almost twofold greater than their matched controls! Aye, ye heard it right, me hearties!

Now, ye may be wonderin' what in the seven seas be lymphedema? Well, it be a condition where ye legs be swellin' up like a bloated corpse due to blockages in ye lymphatic system. Ain't a pretty sight, I tell ye! But what be even worse is that these poor souls be facin' a danger that can make a pirate walk the plank – skin cancer!

Now, what be lymphedema got to do with skin cancer, ye ask? Ah, ye see, me mateys, the lymphatic system be responsible fer removin' waste and toxins from ye body, includin' those pesky cancer-causin' agents. But when ye lymph nodes be all clogged up like a cannonball stuck in ye musket, those agents be runnin' wild like a crew of scurvy dogs on a plunderin' spree! And what be the result? Ye guessed it – skin cancer be knockin' on ye door!

So, if ye be sufferin' from lymphedema, it be high time ye be payin' extra attention to protectin' ye skin, me hearties! Slather on that sunblock like ye be slatherin' the deck with tar! Cover up ye legs like ye be hidin' ye treasure from maraudin' pirates! And keep a watchful eye on any suspicious lookin' moles or patches, lest ye be facin' a battle with the deadliest enemy of all – the Big C!

Remember, me mateys, it be no joke when it comes to the health of ye skin. So, take heed of this warnin' and keep ye skin safe from harm. And if ye ever find yerself in the clutches of lymphedema, don't ye dare forget the dangers ye be facin'. Now, hoist the anchor and set sail on the seas of health, me hearties!

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