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Steering clear o' trouble be leadin' to more dire fates for the afflicted scallywags with OCD, arrr!


Arrr matey, they be sayin' that steerin' clear o' certain behaviors could be makin' it harder fer the scallywags with OCD to get better in the long haul. Savvy? Aye, the seas be rough for this treatment, says the scurvy dogs at Medscape Medical News.

Arr matey, it seems that these scallywags be findin' out that avoidin' certain behaviors could be causin' trouble for treatin' obsessive compulsive disorder in the long haul. A new analysis be showin' that this here avoidance could be throwin' a monkey wrench in the works for a popular treatment method. Shiver me timbers!
The landlubbers over at Medscape Medical News be soundin' the alarm about this findin'. They be warnin' that if ye be avoidin' certain behaviors, ye could be walkin' the plank when it comes to treatin' OCD. Aye, 'tis a serious matter indeed.
So, me hearties, if ye be sufferin' from this condition, best be listenin' to the experts. They be sayin' that steerin' clear of certain behaviors could be makin' things worse in the long run. So batten down the hatches and listen up, lest ye be findin' yerself in troubled waters.
In conclusion, me mates, be mindful of the advice from these wise seafarers at Medscape Medical News. Avoidin' certain behaviors may be causin' more harm than good when it comes to treatin' OCD. So hoist the anchor and set sail on the right course for a smoother journey ahead.

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