The Booty Report

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Arrr, 'tis said the AD drug Donanemab be set to receive the blessing of the FDA panel. Aye, me hearties!


Arrr mateys! The FDA scallywags be gatherin' on June 10 to debate whether they should grant permission for donanemab to treat the dreaded scourge known as Alzheimer's disease. Will they give the nod, or will it walk the plank? Stay tuned, ye landlubbers!

Avast ye! The FDA be gatherin' its council o' wise heads on June 10 to decide if they be givin' the thumbs up to donanemab for treatin' the dreaded Alzheimer's disease. Aye, 'tis a matter of grave importance, me hearties! The fate of many a poor soul afflicted with this cruel ailment be hangin' in the balance.
It be a time of great anticipation and anxiety for those in the medical community, as they await the decision of the FDA advisory committee. Will they be grantin' their approval to this new treatment, or will they be sendin' it to Davy Jones' locker? Only time will tell, me buckos!
So batten down the hatches and hold onto yer hats, for the battle against Alzheimer's be a fierce one. Let us hope that the winds of fortune be blowin' in our favor, and that a new weapon in the fight against this cruel disease be at hand. Arrr, the stakes be high, but we be ready to face whatever may come our way!

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