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Arrr mateys, CGM be the treasure map to avoid scurvy of the eyes in Type 1 Diabetes!


Arrr mateys! 'Tis said that the use of continuous glucose monitoring be like a treasure map that leads to a reduced risk o' the dreaded diabetic retinopathy in adults with type 1 diabetes. Shiver me timbers, keep a watchful eye on yer blood sugar levels, me hearties! Aye, <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' no tales.

Arrr mateys, listen up! This be serious news for all ye scallywags with type 1 diabetes. The use of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) be like a trusty compass leading ye away from the treacherous waters of diabetic retinopathy. Aye, that be a sight ye never want to see through ye spyglass!

CGM be like having a parrot on ye shoulder squawking warnings when ye blood sugar be on the rise. It be keeping a weather eye on the horizon, helping ye steer clear of dangerous shoals and reefs that be threatenin' ye vision. Aye, it be a game-changer, me hearties!

So, me buckos, take heed and make sure ye have a CGM by ye side. It be protectin' ye from the dreaded curse of diabetic retinopathy, keeping ye eyes as sharp as a cutlass and as clear as the Caribbean waters. Don't be a scurvy dog and ignore this important news. Trust in ye CGM to keep ye safe on ye voyage through the choppy seas of diabetes. Arrr!

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