The Booty Report

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Arrr! 3M and DuPont be victorious in a grand battle against a vast crew seekin' booty o'er forever chemicals.


Arrr! On Monday, a US appeals court bestowed upon the manufacturers of vile 'forever chemicals' a jolly victory in their battle against the scurvy legal responsibility for these cursed substances. Yo ho ho! <i>Reuters Health Information</i>

In a jolly twist of fate, a US appeals court has granted a splendid victory to the scurvy manufacturers of those ghastly 'forever chemicals' - the ones that stick around longer than a cursed treasure map. Arrr, they be rejoicing, for it seems their legal liability for these toxic substances has been thrown overboard!
Now, ye may be wondering what in the seven seas are these 'forever chemicals' that be causin' all this hullabaloo. Well, me hearties, they be a treacherous breed indeed. They linger in the waters and the air, poisoning the very lifeblood of our planet. Arrr, they be like those cursed sea monsters, lurking beneath the surface, causing misery to all who cross their path.
But fear not, me mateys, for the manufacturers of these foul substances have been granted a boon by the courts. They be spared the burden of legal responsibility for the harm caused by their creations. It be like givin' a pardon to a pirate guilty of plunderin' and pillagin'! Aye, the scallywags may have won this battle, but the war against these 'forever chemicals' be far from over.
Now, I be wonderin' what be the reason behind this curious decision. It seems the appeals court be claimin' that the manufacturers cannot be held accountable for the harm caused by their products, as they be approvin'ly regulated by the authorities. But arrr, I be smellin' a rat, or maybe it be a rotten fish. Methinks these regulators be needin' to walk the plank for their negligence!
So, me hearties, hold on tight to your doubloons, for the fight against these 'forever chemicals' be continuin'. We must demand that the manufacturers walk the plank of accountability for the harm they be causin'. And as for the appeals court, may they find themselves lost in a sea of troubles, surrounded by the very chemicals they be defendin'!

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