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Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! These immunotherapies be mighty fine, givin' no fear o' cancer comin' back to haunt ye.


Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Them landlubbers with immune ailments and a cursed past of malignancy, they faced the same odds o' cancer comeback, whether they be takin' immunosuppressive remedies or not! Yo ho ho! <i>MDedge News</i>

Arr, me hearties! This here piece o' news be tellin' us that patients sufferin' from immune-mediated diseases, who also had a history o' cancer, be facin' the same risks o' cancer recurrence regardless o' whether they be takin' immunosuppressive treatments or not!

Avast! 'Tis quite a revelation, me lads and lasses! It seems that the chances o' cancer returnin' don't be affected by them treatments that be suppressin' the immune system. This be a mighty interestin' discovery for all ye scallywags out there battlin' these diseases, ye know.

Now, let's break it down fer ye landlubbers who might be a bit confused. Immune-mediated diseases be those that be causin' the immune system to turn against ye own body, like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. And, by Davy Jones' locker, if ye be havin' a history o' cancer on top o' that, well, ye be in quite a pickle, me mateys.

But fear not, me hearties! This study be showin' that whether ye be takin' medicines that lower the activity o' yer immune system or not, the risk o' cancer comin' back be about the same. So ye can rest easy and enjoy yer rum, me brave souls! Ye be fightin' yer battles, but these medicines don't seem to be changin' the outcome, arr!

Now, me buckos, don't go ignorin' them treatments just yet! They still be important fer managin' yer immune-mediated diseases and keepin' ye shipshape. But it's good to know that they don't be makin' a difference when it comes to cancer recurrence. Aye, it be a strange and mysterious sea we sail, me hearties, but this news be a glimmerin' treasure worth knowin' for all ye pirates fightin' these diseases. Fair winds to ye all!

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