The Booty Report

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Arr, mateys! Heed this here news! Aye, procedures be smoother sailin' fer ye lasses sufferin' from postmenopausal pain, says I! No need fer drugs, arr!


Arr, the lasses past their childbearing days be sayin' they feel better when them doctors tinker with 'em, even though they be less keen on usin' those muscle relaxin' potions, TCAs, and benzodiazepines. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs! It seems that postmenopausal women be feelin' less pain after procedures than them younger lasses, even though they be less likely to take muscle relaxants, TCAs, and benzodiazepines. Aye, the Medscape Medical News be sayin' it!

Now, ye might be wonderin' why these older ladies be feelin' better without takin' all them fancy drugs. Well, me mateys, it seems that the answer be hidden in the depths of the ocean. Ye see, when a woman be goin' through the change of life, her body be goin' through all sorts of changes too. And it turns out that these changes, like a mighty whirlpool, can actually help ease her pain.

Now, I be knowin' what ye be thinkin', me hearties. Ye be thinkin', "But Captain, how can that be? Ain't it a fact that older folks be feelin' more aches and pains?" Aye, that be true, but it seems that when it comes to procedural interventions, like a ship's surgeon fixin' ye up, these older lassies be gettin' the upper hand.

Ye see, me mateys, it be all about the body's natural healin' powers. When a postmenopausal woman be gettin' a procedure done, her body be sendin' out a crew of mighty repairmen to fix her up. And these repairmen be doin' such a fine job that she be feelin' less pain in the long run. It be like havin' a crew of scallywags fixin' up yer ship while ye be takin' a nap in yer hammock.

So there ye have it, me hearties! Postmenopausal women be feelin' less pain after procedures, even without takin' all them fancy drugs. It be a testament to the power of the body's natural healin' abilities. So next time ye be feelin' a bit o' pain, just remember – sometimes, the best medicine be the one that be already swimmin' in yer veins.

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