"Arrr, matey! Only a handful o' nasty side effects after our fancy ray treatments for pesky ol' cancer!"
Arrr matey! A mere half a percent o' scallywags takin' SBRT for their pesky oligometastatic cancer be sufferin' grievous mishaps in six moons, says a grand real-world adventure! So hoist the sails and fear not the doctorin'! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale!
Avast, ye scallywags o’ the high seas! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn from the treacherous waters of medicine! In a grand adventure known as SBRT, which be short for Scurvy Blasting Radiant Treatment, a crew o’ brave souls with the dreaded oligometastatic cancer dared to face the odds. What be found, ye ask? A mere 0.5% of these hearty souls faced severe perils within six moons!This be no tall tale spun by a landlubber! Nay, it be a grand real-world trial, uncoverin' truths as deep as Davy Jones’ locker. Out of a vast sea of patients, only a handful found themselves in dire straits after taking on this mighty treatment. If ye be thinkin’ about SBRT, fear not, for ye are more likely to encounter a kraken than to suffer grievous harm!