The Booty Report

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Arrr! The good ship GP be advisin' ye on gender matters fer yer young swashbucklers. Listen well, me hearties!


Arr matey! When speakin' with the young'uns about their gender, ye don't need to grasp every detail. Jus' lend a supportive ear and show some respect, savvy? That'll do ye well on the high seas of gender identity! Aye aye, Captain Medscape News UK!

Arrr matey! Listen up ye scallywags! When ye be talkin' to young lads and lasses who be questionin' their gender, ye best be usin' yer everyday skills to give 'em support and respect. Ye don't need to be knowin' everything, just be there for 'em!

Ye see, it don't matter if ye be knowin' all the fancy terms or the latest trends in gender identity. What be important be showin' that ye care and be willin' to listen. So when ye be consultin' with these youth, be sure to let 'em know that ye be there for 'em, no matter what.

So batten down the hatches, me hearties, and get ready to lend a helpin' hand to them who be needin' it. Show 'em that ye be a trustworthy mate who be willin' to support 'em on their journey. And remember, it don't take a fancy degree to be kind and respectful to those who be questionin' their gender identity. Arrr!

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