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Arrr, ye scurvy dogs be ignorin' the nail barnacles afflictin' our good mateys with dark complexions, arrr!


Arrr, the lack o' Black patients with psoriasis in trials and books be makin' the scurvy clinicians slow to spy the nail troubles, even after discoverin' the psoriasis. Methinks these landlubbers need to smarten up! <i>MDedge News</i>

Arrr mateys! Ye may be wonderin' why black patients with psoriasis are gettin' overlooked in trials and textbooks. Well, it be a bit of a conundrum. Ye see, it be all about the lack o' representation! When ye don't see many black patients bein' featured in these here studies and books, it be hard for the clinicians to spot the nail involvement in psoriasis, even when they've made the diagnosis.

It be like searchin' for a hidden treasure, but with no map or compass! If the books and trials only be showin' the experiences o' white patients, then they be missin' the chance to educate the doctors about the unique characteristics o' nail involvement in black patients. It be like ignorin' a whole fleet o' ships in the sea!

Now, some may be thinkin', why be this such a big deal? Well, it be a matter o' quality care, me hearties! Every pirate patient deserves to be treated with the same respect and attention. If the doctors don't be understandin' the differences in how psoriasis affects different skin tones, then they be walkin' the plank when it comes to providin' proper treatment.

So, me fellow pirates, we be needin' to raise our voices and make sure these textbooks and trials be includin' a more diverse crew. We need to be advocatin' for the inclusion o' black patients, so that no nail involvement in psoriasis be goin' undetected. Let's be fightin' for equal representation on the high seas o' medicine!

In the end, me hearties, we be all in the same ship when it comes to psoriasis. Whether ye be black, white, or any other color of the rainbow, we all deserve the best care possible. So let's be makin' some noise and demandin' a more diverse approach to understandin' and treatin' this here condition. Arrr!

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