The Booty Report

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Ye swabs be tellin' me that wee ones' chest pain be seldom heart-related in the emergency room, arrr!


Arrr mateys! 'Tis found that only 2.5% o' wee ones with a chest ache be havin' a broken heart, while the rest be sufferin' from the kraken in their muscles and bones. Keep yer scurvy children safe, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, for I've got some news that'll shiver yer timbers! A fancy review o' the medical kind has found that only a measly 2.5% o' the little ones complainin' o' chest pain in the emergency department actually have a problem with their tickers. Aye, most o' the time it be nothin' but a spot o' trouble with their bones and muscles.
Arrr, can ye believe it? All them lads and lasses clutchin' at their chests like they've got a cannonball lodged in there, when it be nothin' but a case o' the creaks and groans in their bodies. It be a right laugh, I tell ye!
So next time ye see a wee pirate complainin' o' chest pain, just give 'em a pat on the back and tell 'em to walk it off. And if they still be whining like a soggy biscuit, just remember what the fancy doctors say - it be more likely a problem with their bones and muscles than their precious heart. Arrr!

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