The Booty Report

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Arr, ye scurvy scallywags be knowin'! Smokin' the devil's lettuce be leadin' ye down the path o' anxiety disorder!


Arrr, me hearty! It be said that when ye landlubbers be visitin' the emergency department fer usin' that devil's lettuce, ye be likelier to be comin' back fer a visit to treat yer anxiety! So be careful where ye puff, lest ye be walkin' the plank to anxiety, mateys!

Arr, matey! Ye won't believe the news I've got for ye, straight from the Medscape Medical News! It seems that those scurvy dogs who be visiting the emergency department for cannabis use be findin' themselves in quite a pinch. Aye, it be said that these visits be connected to an increased risk of seekin' further healthcare for an anxiety disorder, by Davy Jones' locker!

Now, let me tell ye, it be a peculiar situation indeed. It's like gettin' yerself tangled in a net - ye think ye be havin' a grand time, but then ye find yerself trapped. Aye, the lads and lasses who be indulgin' in that devil's lettuce be findin' themselves in the clutches of anxiety, scurvy dogs that they are!

So, imagine ye be smokin' that wacky tobaccy, feelin' all merry and jolly, when suddenly the winds change and ye be swept into the emergency department. Ye be thinkin' they be savin' the day, but little did ye know, they be lettin' ye walk the plank straight into the clutches of anxiety. Shiver me timbers!

Now, don't ye be gettin' me wrong, I don't be judgin' those who enjoy a little puff now and then. But ye best be aware of the risks, me hearties! It be like crossin' paths with the Kraken - ye may not see the danger lurkin' beneath the surface, but it be there, waitin' to drag ye down into the depths.

So, me mateys, remember this tale of caution well. If ye be partakin' in the ganja and find yerself in need of emergency care, be mindful that ye may be followin' that visit with a journey into the land of anxiety. Take heed, me hearties, and may ye steer clear of that treacherous path!

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