The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! The seas of pain be calmer, as opioid treasure plunderin' in rheumatics sunk after 2014!


Arrr, matey! From the year of our Lord 2014 to 2021, the usage o' them devilish opioids plummeted by a hearty 15% each year, just like the rest o’ the scallywags ashore! Aye, news from the Medscape seas!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round, ye scallywags, and lend me yer ears! It be a tale of mighty pills, those treacherous opioids, which have seen a decline faster than a ship caught in a squall. From the year of our Lord 2014 to the fateful year of 2021, the use of these cursed concoctions dropped by a hearty 15% each year, like a sailor tossin' his last rum overboard!

Now, why be this grand decline, ye ask? Well, it seems the good folk of the land be wise’n up, steer’n clear of those sweet-sirin' sirens that once tempted them. Even the general population be following suit, givin’ the ol’ heave-ho to the habit! So, what be causin’ this change, ye ponder? Mayhap it be the rise of healthier remedies, or perhaps the fear of walkin' the plank into an abyss of addiction!

So raise yer tankards, me hearties, for there be light on the horizon! Let this be a lesson to ye all: not all treasures be golden! Sometimes, it be best to leave the cursed booty behind and sail on toward the horizon of better health. Yarrr, let the winds of change carry us to safer shores! Aye!

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