The Booty Report

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“Laziness be tied to them pesky amyloid barnacles, matey! Arrr, they be weighin’ down me spirit!”


Arrr matey! It be shown that older swabs with a brain full o' amyloid goo, yet no signs of madness, may find themselves feelin’ a bit lazy as time sails on. Aye, the brain's treasure be linked to a lack o' zest fer life!

Ahoy, matey! Gather 'round fer a tale o' the wise sea scallywags in the land o' brains! It be said that ol' sea dogs with higher amounts o' that fancy amyloid stuff in their noggins, even when they be feelin' spry and sharp, be findin' themselves a tad listless as time sails on. Aye, it seems that them brainy regions, like a ship’s hull, can collect barnacles o' amyloid, leadin' to a right case of apathy on the horizon!

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