The Booty Report

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"Arr! Belay yer cigars, ye scallywags! Them young rapscallions still be gettin' flavored E-cigs, defyin' the law!"


Arrr, mateys! Be ye hearin' this jolly tale? The scurvy dogs be sellin' their fancy e-cigars to wee lads and lasses, even though the law of California be sayin' nay. Ahoy, Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the word!

Arr, me hearties! It seems that scurvy scallywags be havin' trouble obeyin' the laws of the land, even in this digital age. A shipload of flavored e-cigarettes be makin' their way to young'uns, despite the law of California.

Avast! These lily-livered bilge rats be sellin' their wares on the high seas of the internet, thinkin' they can outsmart the authorities. But mark me words, they be walkin' the plank soon enough!

Now, I don't be understandin' why these landlubbers be wantin' to sell e-cigarettes to minors in the first place. Ain't they aware of the dangers? These gadgets be makin' their way into the hands of wee ones, and that be causin' a ruckus! It be like givin' a ship full of rum to a scrawny lad and expectin' him to stay sober!

It be a good thing that the Medscape Medical News be keepin' a close eye on these miscreants. They be notifyin' the world of these unlawful activities, so that the authorities can set sail and put an end to this madness. Arr, they be the heroes we need in these treacherous waters!

But let us not forget the responsibility of the parents and guardians. They be the ones who be raisin' these young rapscallions, and it be their duty to teach 'em right from wrong. If they be findin' their young'uns with these flavored e-cigarettes, they be needin' to have a stern talk and put their foot down!

So, me hearties, let this be a lesson to all ye scurvy dogs out there. The law be the law, and it applies to all, even in the vast reaches of the internet. The sale of flavored e-cigarettes to minors be a crime that won't go unpunished. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of e-juice!

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