The Booty Report

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Arrr, FDA be takin' back Infigratinib for the dreaded Cholangiocarcinoma. Walk the plank, ye scurvy drug!


Arrr mateys, the scurvy drug company be pulling infigratinib from the shelves, claimin' they can't round up enough patients for their fancy postmarketing trials. Aye, sounds like they be walkin' the plank on this one!

Arrr me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags! The drug company be pullin' back their fancy pill infigratinib from the shelves. They be sayin' it's because they be havin' a hard time findin' enough patients to sign up for the follow-up trials they be needin'. Aye, seems like they be walkin' the plank on this one, mateys!
Seems like this drug be causin' some trouble for the company, aye. They be talkin' 'bout postmarketing trials and confirmatory studies, but it be soundin' like they be strugglin' to round up enough volunteers to take the drug and see how it be workin'. Maybe the side effects be scarin' off the landlubbers, or maybe they be just too busy plunderin' and pillagin' to sign up for a trial, who knows!
So there ye have it, me hearties. The drug company be retirin' infigratinib from the market, and the reason be lack of volunteers for their trials. Guess they be learnin' the hard way that not every venture be a success in the high seas of medicine. Until next time, keep yer eye on the horizon and watch out for any suspicious bottles of medicine, lest ye find yerself walkin' the plank too! Arrr!

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