The Booty Report

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Arrr! Abbott be takin' back their HeartMate Touch System, ye scurvy dogs! Ye best be findin' a new mate!


Arrr mateys, beware of the cursed HeartMate Touch Communication System! Version 1.0.32 be walkin' the plank fer stoppin' or startin' its pump without warnin'. Aye, 'tis no treasure worth riskin' yer life for! Trust me, I be a doctor of the high seas.

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags! The HeartMate Touch Communication System, version 1.0.32, be walkin' the plank! Aye, 'tis true, this cursed contraption be causin' quite the ruckus. Ye see, the pump inside it may be playin' tricks on us, stoppin' or startin' when it shouldn't. That be a problem, me mateys, a problem indeed!
So, what be the word from Medscape Medical News, ye ask? Well, they be soundin' the alarm, tellin' us to beware of this faulty device. Aye, they be warnin' us to send it back to Davy Jones' locker before it be causin' any more mischief. No need to risk yer life for a piece o' technology, says I!
So, me hearties, heed this warnin' and take heed! The HeartMate Touch Communication System be not to be trusted! Return it to the landlubbers who made it and save yerselves from a fate worse than walkin' the plank. Arrr, may yer hearts stay true and yer pumps be steady, me fellow pirates!

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