The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! The good news be that takin' yer meds won't turn ye into a forgetful landlubber!


Arrr, me hearties! It be said that these mystical powders known as antidepressants do no harm to yer thinkin' cap or memory, so fear not the scallywags of dementia! Trust in yer medicine, me mateys, and sail on with a clear mind and merry spirit!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, for I bring good tidings from the shores of science. A new study be sayin' that takin' antidepressants won't make ye lose yer marbles and end up forgettin' where ye buried yer treasure!

According to this here research, them antidepressants don't be causin' cognitive decline or dementia in adults without any cognitive impairment. So ye can rest easy knowing that yer noggin won't be turnin' into a squishy mush from takin' them pills.

So next time ye be feelin' down in the dumps and needin' a bit o' help to lift yer spirits, don't be afraid to reach for them antidepressants. They won't be addin' to yer woes by robbin' ye of yer mental faculties. Ye can still be sharp as a cutlass and quick as a whip, even while takin' them meds.

So fear not, me hearties, and let the winds of science carry away yer worries. Ye can fight off the blues without worryin' about losin' yer mind. Just remember to consult with a wise old sea dog before settin' sail on any new medication journey. Arrr!

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