The Booty Report

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Arrr, Ontario be tossin’ the COVID muck overboard! What wild seas be awaitin’ us next, matey?


Arrr, matey! When the ship sails for the last time, the fine folks of that Canadian territory be left high and dry, with naught but a rusty cutlass for keepin' an eye on those pesky plagues! Blimey! Medscape be spillin' the beans!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, fer I've a tale of woe from the land of the maple leaf! It appears that a mighty program, once the pride o' the Canadian province, be meetin' its untimely demise. Aye, this fine tool fer watchin' over the pesky plague o’ infectious maladies be settin' sail into the sunset!

Ye see, without this trusty instrument, the good folk o' Canada be left adrift on the stormy seas of disease, like a ship without a compass! What a calamity it be! They’ll be tryin' to track them sneaky germs with naught but a parrot's squawk and a bottle o' rum! As if keepin' the scallywags at bay wasn't hard enough, now they face the fury of the invisible foes, lurkin' in the shadows, ready to pounce!

So raise a tankard, mates, to the lost tool! Let us not forget the mischief it could’ve thwarted, savin' landlubbers from the clutches of illness! Mayhaps they’ll find another way to keep the scurvy at bay, but for now, we’ll have to hoist the sails and hope for fair winds. To the health o' the Canucks, may they weather this storm with a hearty laugh and a raucous shanty!

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