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Arrr, Tenecteplase be a boon for late LVO stroke, if the scallywags can get access to EVT!


Arrr, Tenecteplase be a fine treasure indeed! It be helpin' those poor souls with LVO who be presentin' late, with brains still worth savin' but no fancy endovascular therapy to be found. Aye, 'tis a tale of swashbucklin' success on the high seas of medicine!

Arrr matey, listen up! It be said that this Tenecteplase be a mighty fine medicine for them landlubbers sufferin' from a condition called LVO. Now, these scallywags be havin' a stroke, and they be presentin' themselves to the doctors beyond the 4.5 hours mark. But fear not, for this Tenecteplase be workin' its magic on 'em, improvin' their functional outcome like a treasure found at the bottom of the sea.
What be special 'bout this Tenecteplase be that it be helpin' those poor souls with salvageable brain tissue, who be missin' out on endovascular therapy. Aye, it be a godsend for those who be in dire need of a cure, but be lackin' access to the fancy treatments of the modern world.
So, me hearties, if ye be hearin' about this Tenecteplase in the medical news, remember that it be a beacon of hope for them unlucky souls facin' the wrath of LVO. Aye, let's raise a flagon of grog to this mighty medicine and the doctors who be wieldin' it with skill and courage on the high seas of medicine!

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