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Arrr! AMA Be Backin' BP to Teach Scallywag Medics, Matey PAs, 'n Nursin' Schools! Avast, ye landlubbers!


Arr, ye scurvy med students and healthcare dogs, be lackin' proper BP trainin'! But fear not, the mighty AMA be wantin' to fix this, to lessen the blasted cardiovascular disease and stroke. Avast ye, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs of the medical profession! The American Medical Association be cryin' out for more training for ye med students and other healthcare workers, like physician assistants and nurses. They be sayin' ye lot don't be gettin' enough BP training, and they want to change that to help reduce cardiovascular disease and stroke. Aye, it's a noble cause, me mateys!

Now, ye may be wonderin' why the AMA be fussin' about BP, or what be BP anyway? Well, let me enlighten ye. BP be short for blood pressure, ye landlubbers! And it be a mighty important thing to be checkin' on, especially for those with the black spot on their health record. Aye, high blood pressure be a sneaky enemy, lurking in the shadows, ready to strike ye down with a mighty blow!

So, why be the AMA demandin' more BP training, ye ask? Well, me hearties, it be simple as pie! They be wantin' to arm ye lot with the knowledge and skills to be catchin' high blood pressure before it be causin' harm. They be wantin' to give ye the tools to be preventin' the scurvy dogs of cardiovascular disease and stroke from takin' away the lives of our fellow pirates. Arrr!

Now, ye may be wonderin' what be happenin' if ye don't be catchin' high blood pressure in time. Well, me mateys, let me tell ye, it be a treacherous journey indeed! High blood pressure be sneaky, like a sly sea serpent, silently damagin' yer heart and blood vessels. It be causin' all sorts of trouble, like heart attacks, kidney disease, and even blindness. Aye, it be a rum business, me hearties!

So, me fellow pirates of the medical profession, let us join hands with the AMA and demand more BP training for all ye med students, physician assistants, and nurses! Let us be armed to the teeth with the knowledge to fight off the scurvy dogs of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Aye, together we can make a difference and save lives on the high seas of healthcare! Yo ho ho!

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