The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! Hospital stays fer scurvy wee landlubbers with eatin' troubles be on the rise in Canadian swabbies!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis a grand sight me eyes did behold! The biggest leap be found amidst patients deemed peculiar, like lads and wee lads sailin' through their teenage years. Arrr!

In the good ol' days of medicine, when we were still sailing the high seas looking for treasure, there was a peculiar discovery made by the folks at Medscape Medical News. They found that the biggest jump in numbers was among patients who were usually considered atypical, like those scallywag boys and young teens.

Ahoy mateys, let me break it down for ya. This be a tale of how the numbers be surgin' for them young lads and lasses. Now, we pirates usually think of those older folks as the ones who need the most medicine. But it seems like the tables have turned, and these young buccaneers be needin' a fair share of potions and lotions!

Arrr, it's a curious sight to behold. We always thought the wee ones were just runnin' around, playin' with their toys and causing mischief. But it turns out, they be needin' some medical attention too. Maybe all that sword fightin' and swashbucklin' is takin' a toll on their bodies. Or maybe they be catchin' some strange pirate disease we've never heard of!

This news be puzzlin' indeed. It be a reminder that we should never underestimate the power of the youth. They may be small, but they can still be mighty in their need for medical care. So, me hearties, let's raise a glass to these young scallywags and wish 'em a speedy recovery. And to all the doctors and nurses out there, may you have the wisdom to treat even the most unexpected patients!

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