The Booty Report

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Arrr, beware mateys! The scurvy known as diabetes be raisin' yer chances of a trip to Davy Jones' infirmary!


Arrr, ye scurvy dogs with the sugar disease be findin' yerselves visitin' the healer more often than the average landlubber. Watch out for them pesky complications or ye might end up walkin' the plank! Aye, Medscape UK be warnin' us all!

Arr matey, listen up ye scallywags! It be known that folks with the sugar sickness, also known as diabetes, be findin' themselves in the hospital more oft than those without it. Aye, the rates of hospitalisation, rehospitalisation, and complications be higher among these poor souls. It be like sailin' into a storm without a compass!
Ye see, the landlubbers at Medscape UK be reportin' that these diabetes-ridden pirates be havin' a rough go of it when it comes to stayin' out of the hospital. It be a treacherous journey for them, with many a complication awaitin' them on the horizon.
So me hearties, if ye be knowin' someone with the sugar sickness, keep a weather eye on 'em and make sure they be takin' care of themselves. And if ye be one of them poor souls yerself, listen to the wise words of the doctors and take yer meds like they be gold doubloons!

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