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"Avast, matey! Drinkin' too much brew be makin' yer noggin' spin faster than a ship in a storm!"


Avast, matey! Downin' more than three tankards o' that black brew may send yer wits to Davy Jones' locker, but sip it in moderation, and ye might just keep yer noggin sharp! Yarrr! <br> *Medscape Medical News*

Avast ye hearties! Gather 'round and lend yer ears to this tale o' the brew that be blacker than Davy Jones' heart! Aye, it seems that quaffin' more than three cups o' that jolly good java be akin to sailin' the high seas o' forgetfulness! Arrr, ye might find yer noggin slippin’ away like a bilge rat in a storm!

But fear not, ye lovers of the bean! For a moderate swig o' coffee can be like a trusty compass, steerin' ye clear of the treacherous waters of cognitive decline! Aye, it be true—just the right amount can keep yer wits as sharp as a cutlass! So, while ye may fancy yerself a coffee guzzlin' scallywag, remember that moderation be the name of the game, or ye might just find yerself forgettin' where ye buried yer treasure!

So hoist yer mugs high, me mateys, and toast to the wondrous powers of the coffee bean! Drink heartily, but smartly, lest ye end up talkin' to a parrot about yer lost memories! Yarrr, let’s keep our minds as clear as the waters of the Caribbean, and our spirits as high as a crow's nest on a sunny day!

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