The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Arrr, early HETs be bringin' better treasure fer wee scallywags wit' MS in thar young years!"


Arrr mateys, startin' HET early in wee ones with MS be the way to go! It be like findin' a treasure map that leads to slower disability than settlin' for weak remedies or nothin' at all. Aye, Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the good word!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up to this news from the land lubbers at Medscape Medical News! They be sayin' that startin' High-Efficacy Therapy (HET) early in young scallywags with MS be makin' a big difference in how fast they be gettin' disabled. Aye, that be right!
They be sayin' that them young pirates who be gettin' treated with low-quality potions or not gettin' any treatment at all be progressin' to disability much faster than those who be gettin' the good stuff right from the start. So, if ye be havin' a wee one with MS, it be best to get 'em started on the strong stuff right away!
It be good news for all us swashbucklers out there, knowin' that there be better options for the little ones with MS. So, if ye be wantin' to keep yer young mateys sailin' smooth seas, make sure they be gettin' the best treatment possible. Arrr, it be a fine day indeed for the young scallywags with MS!

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