The Booty Report

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"Arrr mateys, be cuttin' yer meat intake to save thar climate, says them fancy French folk!"


Arrr mateys! The scallywags at Climate Action Network France and the French Society of Nutrition be tellin' us to go easy on the grub o' the land lubbers. Best be watchin' yer intake o' meat for the sake o' the environment, says Medscape Medical News. Aye, aye captain!

Arrr mateys! Listen up ye scurvy dogs! It be time to heed the words of the Climate Action Network France and the French Society of Nutrition. They be sayin' that we need to be cuttin' back on our consumption of meat products if we want to be protectin' the environment. Aye, it be true!
Ye see, the livestock industry be a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, and that be causin' all sorts of trouble for our planet. So, if we want to be keepin' the seas from risin' and the storms from brewin', we best be thinkin' twice about how much meat we be chowin' down on.
So, me hearties, next time ye be thinkin' about orderin' that extra side of bacon, remember the words of the wise folk at the Climate Action Network France and the French Society of Nutrition. Be a good pirate and do yer part to protect the environment. Arrr!

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