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Arrr, the FDA be denyin' swift approval for that scurvy ALS remedy, Ye landlubbers!


Arrr, me hearties! The FDA be sayin' nay to Clene Nanomedicine's quest for swift approval o' their fancy experimental drug for the cursed disease known as ALS. They be claimin' the evidence be as scarce as a buried treasure. Shiver me timbers!

In a most unfortunate turn of events, mateys, the FDA be givin' Clene Nanomedicine a mighty blow, rejectin' their application for that experimental drug called CNM-Au8. They be claimin' there be not enough evidence to back it up, arrr!

Ahoy, me hearties! Clene Nanomedicine, that brave crew of scientists, sought the FDA's approval for their drug, CNM-Au8, to treat the dreaded scourge known as ALS. They had high hopes, they did, for a swift sailin' through the approval process with a touch of acceleration. But alas, the FDA be havin' a different plan in store.

The FDA, like a fearsome sea monster, be demandin' evidence, solid as a trusty ship, before they be grantin' approval. But Clene Nanomedicine, it seems, be not havin' enough of that evidence to satisfy the FDA's hunger. Arrr, they be sent back to the drawin' board, scallywags!

One can only imagine the disappointment on the faces of the Clene Nanomedicine crew. They be workin' hard, sailin' against the treacherous waves of ALS, hopin' to find a cure. But the FDA, like a strict captain, be settin' a high standard for them to meet.

Now, me mateys, this be a setback indeed, but fear not! Clene Nanomedicine be a resilient bunch, and they be determined to gather the evidence needed to prove the worthiness of CNM-Au8. They be headin' back to the lab, swords sharpened, ready to battle the doubts of the FDA.

So let us raise a tankard to the bravery of Clene Nanomedicine, for their fight be not over. May they sail through the rough waters of clinical trials and come out victorious, bringin' hope to all those plagued by the vile ALS. Yo ho ho!

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