The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! The US be thinkin' 'bout changin' their minds 'bout that devil's lettuce! Arrr!


Arrr mateys, the U.S. Justice Department be thinkin' 'bout makin' marijuana use less of a crime, takin' it out of a category with heroin. Avast ye, looks like the times be changin' fer the high-seas of the drug world!

Arrr mateys, listen up! The U.S. Justice Department be makin' a bold move to make the use of marijuana a less serious crime on the federal level. They be lookin' to reclassify the drug from a category that puts it in league with the likes of heroin. Aye, ye heard me right!
So it seems the powers that be are finally comin' to their senses and realizin' that marijuana ain't as harmful as they once thought. Maybe they be realizin' that there be bigger fish to fry, like catchin' the scurvy dogs peddlin' the real dangerous substances like heroin.
It's about time the government be takin' a more lenient stance on marijuana use. After all, it be a plant that the good lord put on this earth, so who be they to be makin' it out to be as villainous as heroin? Let's hope this be the start of a trend towards more sensible drug policies, me hearties!

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