The Booty Report

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Avast! Yonder tidings be claimin' that this scurvy thing called "Long COVID" might be naught but a brain injury, matey!


Arrr, me hearties! Them landlubbers afflicted with the curse of Long-COVID be havin' foggy noggins and a forgetful mind. Their bodies be showin' signs o' brain hurt! Aye, it be true, me mateys! Reported by the fine folks at Medscape Medical News.

Arrr, me mateys! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis been reported that the landlubbers sufferin' from the wretched ailment known as Long-COVID be sufferin' from a peculiar condition known as brain fog and memory loss. Aye, ye heard it right! These poor souls be feelin' like they got a smugglin' fog cloudin' their minds, makin' it as hard to navigate as the treacherous waters of the Caribbean.
Now, here be the interestin' part, me hearties! Them clever scientists have discovered that these afflicted souls have elevated biomarkers, which be signs o' brain injury. Aye, ye heard it right! It be like their brains have experienced a fierce cannon blast, leavin' 'em all befuddled and confused, like a drunken sailor tryin' to find his way back to the ship.
But fear not, me fellow pirates! We ain't all doomed to sail these murky waters forever. The clever Medscape Medical News be bringin' us this important news, so we be knowin' that there be hope on the horizon. They be reportin' that these brain fogged landlubbers may find relief from their affliction. The good doctors be studyin' ways to treat their brains and restore 'em to their former glory. It be like findin' a hidden treasure map, me hearties!
So, let's raise a tankard to these brave scientists, who be battlin' the unknown and fightin' for the health of the crew. May they find a cure for this brain fog that be plaguin' our fellow pirates. And to all ye Long-COVID sufferers out there, keep yer spirits high and yer eye on the horizon. The day will come when ye be rememberin' every detail of yer swashbucklin' adventures once again!

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