The Booty Report

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Aye, a grand way to gauge a pirate's heart, me hearties - a method to judge their worth!


Arrr, me mateys! 'Tis a fine device called an extracorporeal perfusion system, fit for a pirate's treasure. It be bringin' great success to transplantin' hearts from them fancy donors. 'Tis a new way to store 'em, better than cold storage, says the Medscape Medical News. Argh, I be lovin' this modern pirate life!

In a report from Medscape Medical News, it has been revealed that a remarkable extracorporeal perfusion system for extended criteria donor hearts has shown outstanding post-transplant outcomes. Ahoy, me hearties! This groundbreaking system may just be the alternative we've been seeking to the traditional cold storage methods. Arrr, shiver me timbers!

This perfusion system, me mateys, is a method of preserving and transporting hearts from donors with extended criteria, meaning those who may have been previously deemed unsuitable for transplantation. With this new system, these hearts be given a second chance at life, and the results be nothing short of impressive. Yarrr!

Instead of the chilly cold storage, where hearts be kept on ice, this system keeps the hearts warm and pumpin' with the help of oxygenated, nutrient-rich blood. Aye, ye heard that right! The hearts be kept alive and tickin' until they find a new home in the chest of a lucky recipient.

According to the report, this newfangled system has shown excellent outcomes after transplantation. The hearts be functionin' just as well as those that have been stored in the old-fashioned way. This could mean a whole hoard of benefits for those scallywags waitin' for a transplant, as well as the surgeons and medical crews who be facin' the challenges of organ shortages.

While this perfusion system be the talk of the seas, there be still some doubloons to be collected before it can become a widely adopted practice. More research and testing be needed, as well as the approval of the regulatory authorities. But, shiver me timbers, we be sailin' in the right direction!

So, me hearties, keep an eye on this extracorporeal perfusion system for extended criteria donor hearts. It may be a game-changer in the world of transplantation. Until then, we'll keep sailin' the high seas, searchin' for more medical treasures to bring ye. Yo ho ho!

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