The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scurvy US board be exposin' the cheatin' scoundrels! The landlubber grads reckon it be runnin' wild, arrr!


Arr, the USMLE be invalidatin' some scores, claimin' that them scurvy dogs sellin' test questions online be operatin' without consequence. Yo ho ho, the scallywags! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be tellin' the tale.

In a rather scandalous turn of events, the USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination) has recently made a shocking announcement. It appears that they are nullifying certain scores due to some rather dubious practices that have come to light. It seems that there have been some scallywags out there peddling test questions online, and these rogues have been getting away with it scot-free. Arr!

Avast! The USMLE, like a fierce storm on the high seas, is finally taking action against these miscreants. They have decided to invalidate scores of those who have been caught red-handed, purchasing these ill-gotten test questions. It seems that these online sellers of knowledge have been operating without any fear of the consequences of their actions. But all good things must come to an end, and it appears that their days of skullduggery are numbered!

Oh, the audacity of these wretches! To think that they could profit from the hard work and dedication of aspiring doctors. It's enough to make a pirate's blood boil! But fear not, for the USMLE is here to restore order to the medical profession. They are sending a clear message to those who dare to cheat the system: "Walk the plank!"

It's a wonder that these scurvy dogs thought they could get away with such shenanigans in the first place. Did they really think they could outsmart the USMLE? Arr, they were sorely mistaken! The USMLE has proven once again that they are not to be trifled with. They are the guardians of medical licensing, and they will not allow anyone to tarnish the sanctity of their exams.

So, let this be a warning to all ye aspiring pirates of medicine. If ye think ye can cheat the USMLE and get away with it, think again! The USMLE is on the lookout for any sign of foul play, and they will not rest until justice is served. Ye have been warned!

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