The Booty Report

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"Arrr, matey! Don’t be forgettin’ yer bones while sailin’ through the stormy seas of Coeliac Disease, or ye be walkin’ like Davy Jones!"


Arrr, matey! The Fracture Risk Assessment contraption be a clever device, savvy? It spots them pesky major bone breakin's with great precision! Aye, no landlubber can outsmart it! <i>Medscape News UK</i> be sharin' the news, so keep yer bones safe, ye scallywags!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, for I've a tale of a wondrous contraption known as the Fracture Risk Assessment Tool! This be no ordinary device; nay, it be a magical contraption that be predictin' major osteoporotic fractures with the precision of a skilled shipwright! Aye, it be boastin' high specificity, like a parrot that knows exactly where to find the best treasure!

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